MSc students

Sara Angjeliu BEd

Aktivitätsmessungen an kleinen Bodentieren mittels modernen Körperschall-Messmethoden
Advisor: Helmut Kratochvil

Anna Feix BEd MSc PhD
Characterization of extracellular vesicles in the apicomplexan parasite Cystoisospora suis
Advisor: Gerhard Steiner


Paul Arthur Höller BSc
Nervous system development in sea spiders.   
Advisor: Georg Brenneis

Room: 4.040

Maximillien Jadin BSc

Spiralian adhesive systems
Advisor: Tim Wollesen     

Room: 4.040

Lisa Kindler BSc
Expression of "segmentation genes" in vermitid gastropods     
Advisor: Andreas Wanninger

Room: 4.053

Leon Klaus BSc
Club-shaped bryozoans: Clavoporidae      
Advisor: Thomas Schwaha

Room: 4.053

Cora Lenz BSc 
Morphology of a vermetid gastropod
Advisor: Andreas Wanninger

Room: 4.040

Matthias Macourek BSc 
Fox gene expression in a polyplacophoran mollusk
Advisor: Andreas Wanninger

Room: 4.040

Ines Müller BSc
Comparative study of SIFamidergic neurons in the euchelicerate CNS.   
Advisor: Georg Brenneis

Room: 4.040

Christina Proßegger BSc
Mosquitoes in Austria - Ovitrap-Monitoring and Barcoding (2021) 
Advisor: Harald Krenn


Laura Plazer BSc

In situ mini barcode sequencing and snip typing in cheetas using Oxford nanopore technologies (MinION).
Advisor: Elisabeth Haring

Simone Raus BSc
Reproduction biology of trochid gastropods.
Advisor: Gerhard Steiner


Bianca Sandgruber BSc
Schalenmorphologie bei Scaphopoda (Mollusca)
Advisor: Gerhard Steiner

Filip Šetena  BSc
Transcriptomics of a vermetid gastropod
Advisor: Andreas Wanninger

Room: 4.040

Maria Serracanta Fernandez  BSc
Expression of "segmentation genes" in a polyplacophoran mollusk
Advisor: Andreas Wanninger

Room: 4.040


Michael Neulinger BSc
The Alimentary Tract of South African Monkey Beetles (COLEOPTERA: SCARABAEIDAE: HOPLIINI) Is Food Preference reflected in Gut Morphology?      
Advisor: Harald Krenn

Master's Defensio - Monday, January 20th, 2025, 13:45 CET

Max Hämmerle BSc
The development of the skeletomusculature in the sea spider Pycnogonum litorale (Strøm, 1762) - with first insight into chelicerate myogenesis at the cellular level
Advisor: Georg Brenneis

Master's Defensio - Friday, December 13th, 2024, 14:00 CET


Augustina zu Löwenstein BSc
Lepidurus apus (L., 1758): A population genetic analysis through space and time
Advisor: Luise Kruckenhauser

Master's Defensio - Thursday December 12th, 2024, 15:00 CE



Claudia Longin BEd
Morphology of the proboscis of Papilionidae (Lepidoptera)      
Advisor: Harald Krenn

Master's Defensio - Wednesday, December 4th, 2024

Seyedeh Saghar Sadraei BSc
The expression of anterior nervous system markers in the chaetognath Spadella cephaloptera
Advisor: Tim Wollesen

Master's Defensio - Friday, November 29th, 2024, 13:15 am CET email

Mag. Philipp Maier
Morphology of the proboscis and stipes pump musculature of the sphingid moth Manduca sexta (Linnaeus,1763)
Advisor: Harald Krenn

Master's Defensio - Monday, November  11th, 2024

Lukas Humer BEd
Wachstum und Effizienz der Mundwerkzeuge bei verschiedenen Entwicklungsstadien der Samtschrecke Peruphasma schultei      
Advisor: Harald Krenn

Master's Defensio - Wednesday, September 11th, 2024

Fabio Rozhon BEd
Tagfalter-Monitoring in und um das Auenreservat Marchegg.
Advisor: Harald Krenn

Master's Defensio - Wednesday, June 5th2024

Stella Langthaler BSc

The Intersection of Genetics and Conservation: a DNA-based Investigation of Wildlife Conservation Issues
Advisor: Frank Zachos

Master's Defensio - 2024