Unit for Integrative Zoology

Teaching and research in our group spans across a wide range of animals including vertebrates, arthropods, and lophotrochozoans. These are analyzed using various morphological and molecular methods, including immunolabeling, advanced light and confocal microscopy, 3D reconstruction, high speed video analysis, electron microscopy, and gene expression studies. The data generated are used in integrative and comparative approaches to elucidate body plan evolution, development, functional morphology, ecomorphology and phylogeny of non-model organisms.



Michaela Haas

Morphologie und Sensillenausstattung des Rüssels der Bläulinge (Lycaenidae)


Universität Wien, Biologiezentrum Universität Wien (UBB)

Samstag, 22. März 2025


Paul Arthur Höller

Characterization of neurogenic cell types in Pycnogonum litorale (Strøm, 1762) via gene expression studies

New publications


New paper in Nature

Global meta-analysis shows action is needed to halt genetic diversity loss


New paper in Entomologica Austriaca

Thorax temperature of butterflies (Papilionoidea) in natural habitats of Austria.


New review in Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology

The quagga mussel, Dreissena rostriformis: a novel model for EcoEvoDevo, environmental research, and the applied sciences.


New paper in Journal Europäischer Orchideen

Pollination biology, morphology, taxonomy of some small flowered species of the Ophrys holosericea aggr. in the East Egean region of Greece.


New paper in Zoological Letters

Ecology of endolithic bryozoans: colony development, growth rates and interactions of species in the genus Immergentia.


New paper in Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society

Recurrent evolution of breathing microtunnel system in terrestrial operculate snails (Gastropoda: Caenogastropoda: Cyclophoroidea)


New paper in Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology

Hox, homology, and parsimony: An organismal perspective.


New book chapters in

Guide to the Orchids of Europe, North Africa and the Middle East.


New Paper in Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Prague

Two new species of the beaded lacewing genus Asadeteva

(Neuroptera: Berothidae) from Thailand.