Klara Amplatz MSc
Neuromuscular development in the scyphozoan Cassiopea xamachana, an emerging cnidarian model system
Advisor: Andreas Wanninger
Master's Defensio - Friday, July 7th 2023, 9:45 CET (SR 1.7, UBB)
Anna-Chiara Barta MSc
DNA Barcoding of Terrestrial Isopods in Austria Integrating Museum Specimens
Advisor: Luise Kruckenhauser
Master's Defensio - Wednesday, October 18th 2023, 13:45 CET (SR 1.6, UBB)
Stephan Barton MSc
The proboscis morphology of frog-biting midges (Corethrellidae)
Advisor: Harald Krenn
Master's Defensio - Friday, November 25th 2022, 12:00 am CET (SR 1.8 in the UBB)
Iulia Barutia MSc
Building legs: a morphological investigation of leg development and regeneration in post-embryonic stages of Scutigera coleoptrata (Chilopoda)
Advisor: Thomas Schwaha
Master's Defensio - Wednesday, November 23rd 2022, 11:30 am CET (SR 1.3, UBB)
Julian Bibermair MSc
The embryonic development of the phylactolaemate bryozoan Plumatella casmiana.
Advisor: Thomas Schwaha
Master's Defensio - Wednesday, January 29th 2020
Johannes Buchner MSc
Analysis of the aquatic and semiaquatic Coleoptera and Heteroptera in the Naturschutzgebiet "Hörbranzer Schmelzwiese" (Vorarlberg).
Advisor: Harald Krenn
Master's Defensio - Friday, June 18th 2021
Karoline Bürger MSc
Population Structure and Activity Pattern in a Dalmatian Tortoise (Testudo hermanni hercegovinensis) Population
Advisor: Walter Hödl
Master's Defensio - Monday, April 12th 2021
Min Chai MSc
Phylogenetic relationships of the goshawk Accipiter [gentilis] superspecies
Advisor: Elisabeth Haring
Master's Defensio - Friday, October 28th 2022
Sarah Chaloupka MSc
Is there personality in Allobates femoralis.
Advisors: Walter Hödl, Eva Ringler
Master's Defensio - Wednesday, April 22nd 2020
Milica Djokic MSc
Diversity of cheilostome Bryozoa in three Arctic seamounts: Vesteris, Boyd and Southern Seamount..
Advisor: Thomas Schwaha
Master's Defensio - Tuesday, October 25th 2023, 11:30 CET (Room 2A225, UZA2)
Julez Duruz, PhD
Single-cell RNA-sequencing analysis of spiralians.
Marine invertebrates group (Wollesen lab)
Anna Ennsgraber MEd
Funktionsmorphologische Untersuchung der Mundwerkzeuge von Colletes cunicularius (Apoidea, Hymenoptera)
Advisor: Harald Krenn
Master's Defensio - Monday, March 21st 2022
Mag. Patrick Fahser
Lucanus cervus in Vorarlberg: distribution and development of a Citizen Science Project.
Advisors: Günther Pass
Diplomprüfung - Friday, March 13th 2020
Katharina Frick MEd
Zoological identification courses at university: modified teaching design enhances learning success of student teachers
Advisors: Harald Krenn, Barbara-Amina Gereben-Krenn
Master's Defensio - Thursday, April 29th 2021
Matthäus Greilhuber MSc
Integrative taxonomy and DNA barcoding of Austrian freshwater turbellarians
Advisor: Elisabeth Haring
Master's Defensio - Tuesday, October 17th 2023, 14:00 CET (SR 1.5 ,UBB)
Max Hämmerle MSc
The development of the skeletomusculature in the sea spider Pycnogonum litorale (Strøm, 1762) - with first insight into chelicerate myogenesis at the cellular level
Advisor: Georg Brenneis
Master's Defensio - Friday, December 13th, 2024, 14:00 CET
Nikolaus Helmer MSc
Multigene approach on the Phylogeny of Scaphopoda (Mollusca)
Advisor: Gerhard Steiner
Master's Defensio - Tuesday, April 25th 2022
Lukas Humer MEd
Wachstum und Effizienz der Mundwerkzeuge bei verschiedenen Entwicklungsstadien der Samtschrecke Peruphasma schultei
Advisor: Harald Krenn
Master's Defensio - Wednesday, September 11th, 2024
Mag. Simone Jaritz
Biologische Phänomene im den Marchauen - Freilanddidaktische Informationstafeln.
Advisor: Walter Hödl
Diplomprüfung - Thursday, April 16th 2020
Tabea Kinigadner MSc
Cranial kinesis of the leopard gecko Eublepharis macularius
Advisor: Patrick Lemell
Master's Defensio - Monday, January 30th 2023, 11:30 am CET (SR 1.2, UBB)
Sandra Kirchner PhD
u:docs stipendiat
Shedding light on the evolution of an enigmatic fish. Comparative analyses of cavernicolous and surface-dwelling populations of Garra barreimiae.
Advisors: Harald Krenn, Luise Kruckenhauser (NHM)
PhD Defensio - Thursday, June 18th 2020
Kenneth Kuba MSc
Liquid uptake in eusocial Vespidae (Hymenoptera): The morphology and function of the mouthparts and the preoral cavity
Advisor: Harald Krenn
Master's Defensio - Thursday, August 12th 2021
Yurii Kornilev MSc
Amphibian and reptilian conservation, ecophysiology, and ecology.
PhD candidate at Natural History Museum-Sofia
Anna Lanen MEd BA
MicroCT scanning of Austrian lumbricid earthworm specimens as an attempt for species-level identification of juvenile Lumbricidae (Annelida, Clitellata)
Advisor: Gerhard Steiner
Master's Defensio - Thursday, July 20th 2023
Stella Langthaler MSc
The Intersection of Genetics and Conservation: a DNA-based Investigation of Wildlife Conservation Issues
Advisor: Frank Zachos
Master's Defensio - 2024
Mag. Lisa Liska
Verbreitung und Ökologie der beiden nah verwandten Orthopteren-Arten Barbitistes constrictus und Barbitistes serricauda im Kamptal, NÖ (Orthoptera: Phaneropteridae).
Advisors: Harald Krenn, Barbara-Amina Gereben-Krenn
Diplomprüfung - Friday, March 13th 2020
Andreas Löscher MSc
Comparative analysis of the male reproductive system in whip spiders.
Advisors: Harald Krenn, Michael Seiter & Thomas Schwaha
Master's Defensio - Thursday, February 18th 2021
Oliver Macek MSc
Integrative taxonomy: optimized DNA-Barcoding-protocol improves species identification in Central European pill millipedes (Glomerida)
Advisor: Günther Pass
Master's Defensio - Monday, December 7th 2020
Antonia Mandl MSc
Species Determination Using DNA Barcoding in Spiders from Cambodian Wet Markets and Surrounding Areas
Advisor: Elisabeth Haring
Master's Defensio - Tuesday, October 12th 2023, 15:00 CET (SR 1.3 ,UBB)
Foto ©A.Sommerfeld
Mag. Philipp Maier MSc
Morphology of the proboscis and stipes pump musculature of the sphingid moth Manduca sexta (Linnaeus,1763)
Advisor: Harald Krenn
Master's Defensio - Monday, November 11th, 2024
Mario Oswald MSc
A sample-based survey about the biomass of insects and biodiversity in grass clippings of agriculturally used meadows.
Advisor: Harald Krenn
Master's Defensio - Thursday, June 29th 2023, 14:00 am CET
Jakob Prömer, MSc
The nervous system of cheilostome byrozoans
Advisors: Thomas Schwaha, Andy Sombke
Master's Defensio- Wednesday, March 25th 2020
Mag. Franziska Puhm
Tagfalter-Monitoring in Wien 2018.
Advisors: Harald Krenn, Barbara-Amina Gereben-Krenn
Diplomprüfung - Thursday, July 30th 2020
Susanne Reier, PhD
Elucidating phylogeographic patterns of minnows in complex aquifers of the Dinaric Karst
Advisor: Luise Kruckenhauser
Defensio - Monday, June 3rd 2024, 13:15 CET
Caroline Reinwald MSc
A new piercing proboscis? Comparison of the feeding apparatus of Acherontia atropos and Agrius convolvuli (Lepidoptera)
Advisor: Harald Krenn
Master's Defensio - Thursday, July 22nd 2021
Mag. Lisa Reiss
Verbreitung und Ökologie der Nadelholz-Säbelschrecke Barbitistes constrictus im laubholzdominierten Nationalpark Thayatal, NÖ (Orthoptera: Phaneropteridae) Advisors: Harald Krenn, Barbara-Amina Gereben-Krenn
Diplomprüfung - Friday, March 13th 2020
Zita Roithmair MSc
Morphology and diversity of sexual dimorphic characters of the ultimate legs in selected lithobiomorph centipedes (Myriapoda, Chilopoda, Lithobiomorpha)
Advisors: Andreas Wanninger und Nesrine Akkari
Master's Defensio - Thursday, July 29th 2021
Fabio Rozhon BEd
Tagfalter-Monitoring in und um das Auenreservat Marchegg.
Advisor: Harald Krenn
Master's Defensio - Wednesday, June 5th2024
Dr. Ahmed Saadi
Project PostDoc
Evolution of phylactolaemate bryozoans
PI: Thomas Schwaha
Attila Sachslehner MSc
Expression of HES and Mox genes in a polyplacophoran mollusc: New insights into genetic regulation of molluscan mesoderm development.
Advisor: Andreas Wanninger
Master's Defensio - Wednesday, May 27th 2020
Seyedeh Saghar Sadraei MSc
The expression of anterior nervous system markers in the chaetognath Spadella cephaloptera
Advisor: Tim Wollesen
Master's Defensio - Friday, November 29th, 2024, 13:15 am CET email
David Salamanca PhD
How to build a bivalve: Lessons from gene expression and single cell analyses
Advisor: Andreas Wanninger
PhD Defensio - Wednesday, May 18th 2022, 4:00 pm CET (via Zoom)
Stephan Schulreich MSc
Mesoderm and muscle formation in the quagga mussel, Dreissena rostriformis (Deshayes, 1838)
Advisor: Andreas Wanninger
Master's Defensio - Tuesday, March 23rd 2021
Mag. Silvia Steiner
Butterfly monitoring in Vienna.
Advisor: Harald Krenn
Diplomprüfung - Thursday, September 15th 2020
Mag. Christine Szumovski
Advisor: Harald Krenn
Diplomprüfung - Wednesday, 25th March 2020
Augustina zu Löwenstein MSc
Lepidurus apus (L., 1758): A population genetic analysis through space and time
Advisor: Luise Kruckenhauser
Master's Defensio - Thursday December 12th, 2024, 15:00 CE