Unit for Integrative Zoology

Teaching and research in our group spans across a wide range of animals including vertebrates, arthropods, and lophotrochozoans. These are analyzed using various morphological and molecular methods, including immunolabeling, advanced light and confocal microscopy, 3D reconstruction, high speed video analysis, electron microscopy, and gene expression studies. The data generated are used in integrative and comparative approaches to elucidate body plan evolution, development, functional morphology, ecomorphology and phylogeny of non-model organisms.



Lukas Humer

Vergleich aller Entwicklungsstadien der Samtschrecke Peruphasma schultei hinsichtlich Morphologie der Mandibeln und Fraßspuren


Sebastian H. Decker

Boring bryozoans: systematics and life history of the endolithic families Penetrantiidae and Terebriporidae


Susanne Reier PhD

Elucidating phylogeographic patterns of minnows in complex aquifers of the Dinaric Karst

New publications


New paper in Frontiers in Zoology

Explosive regeneration and anamorphic development of legs in the house centipede Scutigera coleoptrata


New paper in Nature Communications

Convergent evolution in Afrotheria and non-afrotherians demonstrates high evolvability of the mammalian inner ear.


New paper in Molecular Biology and Evolution

A Novel Expression Domain of extradenticle Underlies the Evolutionary Developmental Origin of the Chelicerate Patella


New Paper in Acta ZooBot Austria

Relevance of teaching species knowledge in times of biodiversity crisis.


New paper in Frontiers in Zoology

Material composition and mechanical properties of the venom-injecting forcipules in centipedes


Developmental gene expression in the eyes of the pygmy squid Xipholeptos notoides


New paper in Molecular Ecology

Genome-wide SNP assessment of contemporary European red deer genetic structure highlights the distinction of peripheral populations and the main...


New paper in Organisms Diversity & Evolution

Digging into boring bryozoans: new characters and new species of Immergentiidae


New paper in Zoological Letters

Boring life: early colony formation and growth in the endolithic bryozoan genus Penetrantia Silén, 1946